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6/1/2006 - June 2006 Newsletter

SOUTHEAST LAW INSTITUTE™ 1200 Corporate Drive, Suite 107 Highway 280 - Meadow Brook Corporate Park Birmingham, Alabama 35242 Telephone: (205) 408-8893 E-mail: AEJ@SoutheastlawInstitute.org Facsimile: (205) 408-8894 www.southeastlawinstitute.org June 2006 Dear Friends and Supporters, By the time you receive this letter it will only be days away from the 2006 Alabama primary election. The primary will be held on Tuesday, June 6, 2006. We urge you to mark this on your calendar and make voting on that day your first priority. If you need to vote absentee, you may still have time. Check with your local county circuit court. For general information check out the Alabama Secretary of State website: www.sos.state.al.us. The most important thing on the ballot will be the marriage amendment. The proposal will be to amend the Alabama Constitution to state that a marriage is between one man and one woman and to prohibit same sex relationships, including civil unions. This month’s Educational Update explains the amendment and gives you the exact wording to look for. This election cycle is of significant importance for the state of Alabama because it involves all of the important state and local offices. It will include election of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and other statewide offices, including the Alabama Supreme Court and the Criminal and Civil Courts of Appeal. You will be electing your state senator and representative. You will also find on your ballot a number of local elections for your county and city. As you can see, an election cycle like this will determine the direction your state, county or city will go in the next four years. It is important to vote knowledgably and to share that information with others. We encourage you to get a sample ballot, research the candidates, and find out for whom to vote. Please pray for the outcome of elections. Pray about your choice of candidate. Pray for the candidates and, ultimately, pray for those who are elected that they will serve the people properly and righteously. We have an elected representative form of government. Voting is truly a precious and important right. Please vote on June 6. Until after the election, I am, Yours very truly, A. Eric Johnston

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