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1/2/2014 - Jan 2014 SLI Newsletter


                                                                                                                        January 2014

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

Welcome to the New Year.  We are looking forward to many opportunities for assistance and service.  Thank you for your support during the last year and we look forward to your support and interest in 2014.

 This month’s Educational Update is yet another article on the same sex debate.  The number of states is increasing and the pressure from gay rights lobby continues.  We are seeing the same happening in Europe, Canada and other western based civilizations.  Ironically, countries like Russia, and India, who do not have the western heritage, are upholding traditional marriage.  Also, did you see the reports on the court decision in Utah upholding polygamy?  Once you start down the road to perversion, there is no end.

 The Alabama legislative session will begin early this year, because it is an election year.  There will be several sanctity of life bills, as well as, other bills interesting to us.  One of our major efforts will be related to the church school/home school/nonpublic school issue.  We have drafted legislation and reviewed other legislation which would protect students’ and parents’ rights to choose a method of education, as well as religious freedom.  We have had talks with the State Department of Education, which we hope will be fruitful.  As the session moves along, there will be many lobbying on various areas of concern.  We will provide sound constitutional legal advice on these issues.

 Historically, election years have been opportunities to get good legislation passed.  Legislators want to impress their constituents.  We are curious to see how the Republican led legislature will act during an election year.  It is the first time it has happened. 

 Last November we reported on a letter we wrote to the Coosa County Board of Education, because there was a suggestion that the rights of students to pray at “Meet You at the Pole” might be restricted.  We received an inquiry from a lawyer for the Coosa County Board of Education.  We explained our concern and we have had no further repercussions.  We are hopeful the issue has been put to rest.  We did not receive any complaints during the Christmas season for abridgment of religious rights in public schools.  We trust our December Educational Update provided guidance for any situations that could have been problematic.

 As we begin the year, there is much to be done.  We very much need your financial support.  Please send your tax deductible contributions to us.  We will put them to good work.  Please continue to pray for our efforts.  With best wishes for the New Year, I am,

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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