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10/1/2013 - October 2013 SLI Newsletter

                                                                                                                         October 2013

Dear Friends and Supporters,

When we stop and think about America and all of the fundamental rights and protections we enjoy under our U.S. Constitution, and for Alabama, under our Alabama Constitution, we see how blessed we are as a nation, as a people, and as individuals.  While we are not surprised at human nature, we sometimes find it hard to reconcile why some Americans want to diminish those rights.

In our July 2013 Educational Update we reported on the U.S. Supreme Court cases which struck down a federal law protecting traditional marriage and preventing the State of California from recognizing traditional marriage.  These raised questions about how this will affect religious freedom.  I had the opportunity in August to address a group of PCA pastors on what to expect in the months, and maybe years, ahead on this issue for their churches, employers, and others.  All are concerned about how this may affect them.  This month’s Educational Update summarizes developments following the court decisions. 

 Providing information and explanation about our laws, what SLI does and the importance of these issues are some of our objectives.  In addition to speaking to minister groups, we will speak to other groups, including political groups.  I have been invited to speak to the Alabama Federation of Republican Women in October on constitutional issues.  We must keep in mind that political organizations are an important vehicle for preserving traditional constitutional rights.  Our participation in them, either as members, candidates, advisors or in other ways, is very important.

One of the most important issues facing Alabama right now is the one mentioned in last month’s Educational Update and that is the state’s attempt to regulate church schools.  In the past few weeks, we have been drafting a bill to be introduced in the 2014 regular session of the Alabama Legislature.  We have made very good progress in that effort.  We have had input from a number of sources.  We have incorporated many of the concerns the State Department of Education has raised.  We hope to be able to reach out to them with a law that will satisfy everyone’s concerns, while at the same time protecting everyone’s rights.  The thing we must recognize at this point is that nonpublic educational choices have matured in Alabama.  Public education must recognize nonpublic education as a peer.  There must be mutual respect and cooperation between them.

 Thank you very much for your tax-deductible contributions.  These make it possible to continue this work.  We appreciate your continuing support.  With personal regards, I am,

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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