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12/3/2012 - December 2012 SLI Newsletter


                                                                                                                        December 2012

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

 The Presidential and U.S. Senate elections did not turn out as we had hoped.  For now, we will only say, America is in peril and we will comment more on this as time and events transpire.  Pray for our safety and very existence as a free and exceptional nation.  It is quite clear that our work takes on a new urgency.

This month’s Educational Update will provide guidance to churches on the issue of church engagement in political candidate campaigns.  Recent reports suggest churches may be involved in candidate activity, but there is still some uncertainty.  Please share this memo with your pastor and others who have a need to know this information.

Before the recent election, an issue came up on Amendment Four meant to streamline and adjust taxation of business entities in Alabama.  Some opined it would remove protection of churches from taxation.  We prepared an in depth memo clarifying it would not and distributed it to voters, churches and others.  Amendment Four passed, but it will not result in taxation of churches. Let us know if you or your church have a concern, or if you would like a copy of our memo.

 We are working on a number of issues.  These include our ongoing work with the Jefferson County Health Department on regulations for church daycares.  We have supplied the Department with requested changes in the regulations.  We have also had a good reception by the officials at the Alabama State Department of Education on our response to a memo sent out by Superintendent Bice that suggested attendance officers could determine whether home schools were valid.  We have supplied them with a suggestion on how this misconception can be clarified. 

We have received a number of phone calls on wet-dry referenda around the state.  You will recall our Cedar Bluff case involving whether small towns could have a referendum on the sale of alcoholic beverages.  Those towns have no infrastructure for dealing with the attendant problems.  Laws ultimately passed have resulted in the ability of those small towns to have referenda.  There are always many legal problems and questions for the churches and citizens who oppose these measures.

 This is the end of the year.  Your contributions to SLI are tax deductible to you and not taxable to us.  Without those contributions, we can do none of the above work.  We have an aggressive agenda for 2013.  Your prayer and financial support of our efforts is absolutely necessary.  Please make a generous gift as the year closes out.  Thank you for a very good year.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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