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11/1/2012 - November 2012 SLI Newsletter

November 2012

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

             This year’s presidential election process has demonstrated the difference in the political parties on social issues more starkly than ever before.  In many ways, it makes one’s choice of candidate easier, but it also confuses the issues for many candidates who wear the Republican or Democrat label, but who may not subscribe to the policies of the party.  Consequently, it becomes all the more important for citizens to be informed so they can vote their values.

            Without regard to political rhetoric, we must look at the reality of what elections mean to the health of the country.  I am afraid many would agree with my friend Stephen Rea, pastor of Carlow Presbyterian Church (Ireland), when referencing Genesis 15:16, he said that the sin of America and other parts of the civilized world has not yet reached it full measure.  The implication is that we are approaching the full measure of our iniquity.

             It is important to participate in the political process.  That one party may mention God in its platform and one may not may be indicative of their view on God, but it does not give them omnipotence.  Only God will save us.  Politics is not a replacement for God.  However, just as we choose to sin or not to sin in our personal lives, the political will of the nation is by choice. 

            In these final days before the election, we urge you to pray for America.  A good approach to God for this purpose is 2 Chronicles 7:14.  We must humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, and turn from our sinful ways.  He will hear, forgive us and heal our land.  God is righteous and sovereign. 

             This month’s Educational Update focuses on one of the great iniquities of America, abortion.  We mentioned it briefly in our September newsletter, but feedback suggested to us we needed to revisit the issue since it has not been a political priority for many seasons. 

In 2005, SLI drafted The Brody Act, which makes an unborn child a person within the meaning of the Alabama criminal code.  This law now has been used to convict a man in Marshall County of the capital murder of the child of his pregnant wife.  We are glad to see this result.  It is unfortunate we have not been able to extend this same protection to the unborn child from his or her own mother and the abortionist’s knife. 

 Thank you for your continuing support of Southeast Law Institute.  As we come closer to the end of the year, please plan to budget a generous tax-deductible contribution for us.  Thank you for your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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