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7/2/2012 - July 2012 SLI Newsletter

July 2012

 Dear Friends and Supporters,

           Each June, the U.S. Supreme Court releases opinions.  We wait expectantly for decisions that, very often, significantly shape our lives.  Two of the most important opinions that were handed down dealt with Obamacare and immigration.  We are all anxious to see how these opinions will ultimately affect our lives.

             One of the opinions for which we were awaiting was in Salazar v. Patchak.  This case deals with Indian sovereignty and the application of state rights.  Specifically for us, it would impact the determination of whether Indians may be involved in unlawful and unlimited gambling in the State of Alabama.  We are glad to report there was a favorable decision and although it did not go as far as we had hoped, it is a significant step in the direction of closing Indian casinos.

             Of course, the next step is a long and hazardous step.  There is always the possibility of a misstep resulting in a failed effort.  It is not yet certain that the Patchak decision will result in closing Indian casinos in Alabama and there is quite a long way to go.  At this point, we do not know who will shoulder the burden, but the load is definitely there awaiting an effort.  Our Educational Update this month will analyze the effect of the Patchak decision on Alabama Indian gambling.

            We have been busy on other efforts.  It seems that recently we have been more involved on pro-life than we have been in quite sometime.  We signed on with our friends at Liberty Counsel on a brief in the case of State v. Ankrom.  This case involves our effort to further protect life in the criminal law area.  The question to be decided by the Alabama Supreme Court is that the unborn child should be protected in the womb from his mother’s use of illegal controlled substances.  Our goal in the case was to further establish the importance of unborn life.  Ultimately, we hope through continuous efforts that someday the unborn child will be accorded the same rights that the rest of human beings are under the U.S. Constitution.  We will report on this case as there are further developments.

             We have also been working toward what pro-life legislation may be considered by the Alabama Legislature in the 2013 regular session which begins next February.  We have been disappointed in recent attempts with this Republican led legislature, but we hope they are now recognizing the importance of their responsibility of protecting unborn human life.

             The summer is quite slow for contributions.  We very much appreciate your making your tax deductible contributions to our efforts.  We are grateful for your support.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,

                                                                                      A. Eric Johnston

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