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9/1/2011 - September 2011 SLI Newsletter

September 2011

Dear Friends and Supporters,

 August is usually in the doldrums without a lot of activity.  However, this August has certainly been an exception.  We have been involved in a number of important activities.

 One of the most unusual that we have seen in a long time involves a daytime juvenile curfew being considered by the City of Mobile.  We have worked with several home school and church school families to protect their rights.  Most schools, public and nonpublic, meet during the day, so it is unlikely that children will be in public areas during the morning and early afternoon hours.  However, home schooled and some church schooled children are frequently in public areas during those times, due to different scheduling arrangements. 

The proposed curfew would have subjected any minor in a public place to police interrogation.  Home and church schoolers found that offensive and we agreed.  We provided legal opinions on their behalf to the Mobile mayor, City Council members and their lawyers.  As of the time of this letter, the issues have still not been resolved.  However, early indications are that the unique requirements of church schoolers, and particularly, home schoolers will be protected.

 The immigration law has been our most significant area of concern during August.  On August 24, 2011, there was a day long hearing in the Federal District Court in Birmingham.  We were particularly concerned with the court’s view of the law’s application to religious activities of churches and ministries.  We addressed our concerns in our July 2011 Educational Update.  We consulted with the Attorney General.  We are glad to report that he entirely agreed with our position and he personally argued that position before the court.  The court has not issued a detailed ruling, but did issue an injunction to keep the law from going into effect on September 1, 2011.  This is explained in this month’s Educational Update.

 What has remained in the doldrums for the summer are contributions.  That is not unexpected and we hope that as everyone gets back into the normal activities of work and school, that you will remember us financially.  Your contributions are tax deductible and not taxable to us.  Importantly, they are necessary to our efforts.  We very much appreciate your support.

With best wishes, I am,

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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