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4/1/2011 - April 2011 SLI Newsletter

April 2011

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Many believe the gambling issue is dead and gone.  Bills were defeated last year, the gamblers and their lobbyists have been indicted, and no bills have been filed in the Legislature this year.  Yet, we see bingo establishments popping up again.  Indian gambling remains a problem.  This month’s Educational Update explains our continuing efforts to stop this societal cancer.

At the same time, we are heavily engaged in the new Legislature.  As the legislative session began, those of us who have been on the defensive, both legislators and advocates, wondered how to act.  For too long, liberal anti-family powers controlled.  However, it has not taken us long to realize the opportunities. 

This Legislature has been remarkable in the speed with which it has begun to pass laws.  It has dealt with significant fiscal issues immediately, repealing laws that have been a financial drain on the state and they are attacking the budget deficit.  These are significant issues facing the state and it is the priority of the Legislature to address them.

We have been involved in drafting and advising on a number of pro-life bills, a bill dealing with the application of foreign law in the state, and a number of other bills that have some impact on churches or religious institutions.  I believe the thing that I have realized most, which I would not have anticipated, is that being on the offense takes more time than being on the defense.  In past years I might be in Montgomery one to two days a week each week, but so far this year, I have been there all three days of the legislative week.  This is due to the fact that we are actually working on and moving bills through the process, rather than simply working to stop a few bad bills. 

We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Your financial support makes this possible.  But, such concentrated effort drains us financially.  I do not get paid a salary or fee for these efforts.  Your contributions help cover expenses.  It would be great if we had the money with which to pay fees.  Please be as generous as you can over the next few months.  It is important to our efforts.

Please contact your elected Senator and Representative.  Congratulate them on their good job.  Encourage them to keep up the good work.  Pray for all of us.

                                                                                    Yours very truly,


                                                                                    A. Eric Johnston

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