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8/2/2010 - August 2010 SLI Newsletter

August 2010


Dear Friends and Supporters,

             We never turn our attention very far away from the sanctity of life.  We are always concerned with the plight of the unborn and increasingly with the concern for the infirm and elderly.

             Abortion remains our most significant concern for life.  It continues to be legal in America.  The Obama Administration continues to do everything it can to facilitate the taking of innocent life.

            The debate over the new federal healthcare law raised many “life” concerns.  The biggest debate is over expanded abortion rights through the use of federal funds to pay for abortions.  One sure way to increase the number of abortions is to make them free.

             If we cannot outlaw abortion, we must do all we can to minimize it.  This month’s Educational Update reminds us of the efforts of those who participate in crisis pregnancy centers.  This is very worthy work.  We encourage you to support Sav-A-Life, CareNet, and other efforts to deal with the abortion issue and to assist women and families who have been affected by it.

             The debate over the federal healthcare law also included concerns for the infirm and elderly.  The use of “death panels” to determine whose lives are worthy was discussed.  Recently, a friend told me of a family member’s 32 day intensive care stay in the hospital.  He was an elderly gentleman who had a procedure which may or may not have been necessary, but it resulted in a bill of $1,000,320, not counting the professional fees of five doctors.  This is astounding.  You can see how “death panels” may be considered a necessity by those who do not respect life.

             We are hopeful the midterm elections will result in the U.S. Congress and Alabama Legislature having a majority of pro-life members.  Please be sure you identify pro-life candidates, inform your friends, then vote.  Pray for this process.  As a nonprofit organization, we cannot campaign, but we can encourage you to seek out those with pro-family values. 

 We will continue to work for the sanctity of life.  Please continue your support for our efforts.  Thank you for your contributions and your prayers.

                                                                                     Yours very truly,


                                                                                     A. Eric Johnston

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