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9/1/2009 - September 2009 SLI Newsletter

September 2009

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Summer is certainly going out with a bang. There is a great deal of activity on virtually every front.

Of course, we have the continuing developments of the Obama administration. We hear more and more about the raucous town hall meetings on healthcare. Obviously, citizens are not supportive of the Obama plan. Congressional Democrats criticize their outspoken opposition. Unfortunately, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and others misunderstand the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Efforts to quell outspoken opponents do not seem to be successful.

The National Education Association had its annual meeting this summer. It approved a plan to advocate same sex marriage. Efforts by pro-life delegates to end the NEA’s support of abortion failed once again. Eagle Forum’s Education Reporter reported that NEA’s general counsel, Bob Chanin characterized those against the NEA as “conservative and right wing bastards.” Obviously, the NEA does not view us or our positions favorably.

Gambling in Alabama continues to dominant the political scene. While Jefferson County District Attorney Brandon Falls raided a VWF bingo hall in the Birmingham Roebuck community, confiscating 920 machines and $804,000, gubernatorial candidate Agricultural Commissioner Ron Sparks is advocating gambling casinos in the state. District Attorney Falls said preliminary investigations showed that the Roebuck operation is making at least $100,000 a day. An attorney for the bingo hall said VFW spent more than $800,000 last year on veterans. Seems there is a great disparity in the amount to charity and who gets the rest of the money. Casinos are simply not a good idea.

The Birmingham News recently ran an editorial suggesting churches should do background checks on volunteers who work with children. That is probably not a bad idea. Our month’s Educational Update discusses that.

As we come to the end of the summer, we have reduced our mailing list and hope to save money on that. On the other hand, we would like to expand it to new members who are interested in receiving our information and supporting our efforts. Please make your contribution and let us know on the contribution slip names and addresses of persons whom we may add to our mailing list. Thank you for your generosity for both contributions and names.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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