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2/2/2009 - February 2009 SLI Newsletter

February 2009

Dear Friends and Supporters,

If you did not believe Barack Obama is anti-life, you must now. He has already signed executive orders allowing embryonic stem cell research and rescinding the “Mexico City Policy,” now allowing federal funds to promote abortion in other countries. While the Bush Department of Health and Human Services issued federal regulations to protect healthcare providers who do not wish to provide or render care related to abortions, it is likely the Obama administration will change that and a lawsuit has also been filed. We have drafted legislation again this year to provide an Alabama conscience law which would recognize not only rights of healthcare providers in the abortion area, but also for euthanasia, sterilization, and in other areas where religion, ethics or morality play a significant part.

The most important thing with which we must now be concerned is the coming Freedom of Choice Act (“FOCA”). Congress is poised to pass FOCA, thereby federalizing and expanding all abortion law. Any state or federal law that would impede a woman’s right to abortion on demand would be ineffective. We will be providing information next month on FOCA and we will provide information in the coming months, as the issue develops.

We recently signed on a brief with our good friend Steve Crampton, at Liberty Counsel. In the case of N. B. v. A. K. (initials used for anonymity), the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals gave full faith and credit to a California court order permitting “parental rights” to the lesbian partner of a natural parent for her minor child. While the issues get complicated by statutes regulating parental kidnapping and uniform child custody, those statutes are presuming an underlying legality of the relationship. Alabama’s unequivocal and strong public policy under the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment (Al. Const. Art. I, § 36.03(b) and the Marriage Protection Act (Ala. Code 1975, § 30-1-19(c) should prohibit the recognition by Alabama courts of a California order that a lesbian partner to the natural mother of the child has full rights as a parent. We believe the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals was grievously wrong and misdirected in failing to recognize or understand the firm foundation of Alabama’s protection of marriage and the wellbeing of the child. We are hopeful the Alabama Supreme Court will review the Court of Civil Appeals opinion and will uphold Alabama’s strong public policy against homosexuality and for the sanctity of marriage.

As you can see, we have a great deal to do. We are spending a lot of time and resources on these issues. Please send us as generous a contribution. Remember your contributions are tax deductible.

Thanking you for your support, I am,

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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