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1/5/2009 - January 2009 SLI Newsletter

January 2009

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We also hope you received some good responses from public school superintendents about why Christmas cannot be Christmas when the Christmas holidays arrive. If you have any interesting stories to tell us, we would like to hear them and we will relay it to our other supporters.

This month, we will see a change in the presidency of the United States, along with a number of other government offices. From all indications, President Elect Barack Obama is bringing no “change” to America, as he campaigned. His cabinet and other appointments are primarily Clinton operatives or other liberal Washington insiders. We fully expect to see changes that will encroach on our religious and moral values.

For example, Obama told the Planned Parenthood Federation at their annual meeting last year that his first act as President would be to pass the federal Freedom of Choice Act (“FOCA”). This would remove the ability of states to regulate, or hopefully to someday, abolish abortion. We could witness the return of the “Fairness Doctrine,” a requirement that all positions be given equal time in public broadcasts. This would end the value of talk radio to propagate ideas and free expression. These are just two of the issues with which we must be concerned.

In the November general election, there were a number of ballot initiatives on social issues. Some were successful, viz., the California, Florida and Arizona bans of gay marriage, while others failed, viz., Colorado and South Dakota’s failure to approve abortion bans, California’s parental notification for abortion requirement, and Oregon’s approval of the terminally ill option of physical assisted suicide. We predict there will be more of these initiatives, but with increasing difficulty to achieve acceptable results if we are not diligent in our efforts. Remember, values did not lose the election, only Republicans did.

This month’s Educational Update is Part I of a report of our very long struggle to provide Alabama public school students with a good objective textbook for teaching the Bible. We are grateful to have been of assistance in this.

We wish to thank you for your support last year. Times were financially difficult for all of us, particularly, small organizations like Southeast Law Institute. Most of our support comes directly from individuals. We must rely on you. This year we do not see any diminution in our work and we need your support.Thank you again and we look forward to a successful year.

Yours very truly,

A. Eric Johnston

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