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The Southeast Law Institute exists to provide free legal and educational services in five areas of priority

  1. Preserving free speech rights, especially in the public schools;
  2. Defending individual religious freedoms;
  3. Protecting parental rights;
  4. Defending and promoting the Sanctity of Human Life; and
  5. Providing Legal Counsel on Constitutional and Public issues.

The Southeast Law Institute (SLI), formerly The Rutherford Institute of Alabama, Inc. (14 years), organized in 1983 and stands ready to serve the citizens of Alabama and the southeast. We focus on two overall purposes:

First, we provide free legal assistance and advice through our cooperating volunteer attorneys to persons, churches and other religious organizations on religious, family and related issues;

Second, we educate people and institutions on various issues, which may ultimately help them avoid actual problems, or to provide information on issues of mutual or public concern.


We are available to speak to churches, Sunday School classes, Bible studies and civic groups. SLI is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit corporation. SLI is entirely dependant upon the tax-deductible gifts and contributions of individuals, churches and other organizations to remain active and meet the increasing need for legal assistance, permitting us to be ready to protect religious and family freedoms.

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